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Billy Jo Salkowski and RE/MAX Achievers present 2247 Line Lexington Road, Hatfield, PA 19440 for SALE! Call RE/MAX Achievers, 610-489-5900 to find out more!

RE/MAX Achievers 2 Offices in Collegeville & Pottstown Offering Real Estate Services
RE/MAX Achievers 2 Offices in Collegeville & Pottstown Offering Real Estate Services
Published on May 7, 2024

Home for SALE in Hatfield, PA!

Totally RENOVATED!! WOW 2 Parcels being sold with 2247 Line Lexington Road in Hatfield, PA totaling together a little over 2 acres! This lovely Hatfield home has been totally rehabbed in 2023! With 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths & hardwood flooring throughout the entire home. Cook up your favorite meals in the gourmet kitchen that features upgraded cabinetry, quartz countertops and stainless-steel appliances. Attached to the kitchen is first floor laundry room and nice size living room to enjoy summer nights. The first-floor primary bedroom has a walk-in closet and full bath with upgraded tile and walk-in shower. Walk up the steps and 2 nice size bedrooms. To complete the second floor is a full hall bath with upgraded tile and walk in shower. If that’s not enough a 2-car oversized detached garage and massive driveway. 2247 Line Lexington Road, Hatfield, PA was knocked down in 1988 and raised 18 inches. The parcel continues into the woods. This property is in a flood zone, but recedes away from the house. This home was tastefully rehab so do not miss the opportunity to tour this property! Call RE/MAX Achievers, 610-489-5900 to schedule a tour of 2247 Line Lexington Road, Hatfield, PA today!

Read on to learn more about our company! RE/MAX Achievers sold nearly $1 Billion Dollars in real estate during the last 5 years!  RE/MAX was voted 2024’s number one real estate brand. RE/MAX Achievers Broker/Owner, John E. Ohler has stated he “is so proud of our accomplishments thanks to the surrounding communities. RE/MAX is a household name!”  RE/MAX Achievers was awarded the 2022 RE/MAX President Club Award and the 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 RE/MAX Achievement of Excellence Award!  RE/MAX was voted the 2024, 2023, 2022 MOST Trusted Real Estate brand and agents.  RE/MAX Achievers offers real estate services in 5 counties: Montgomery, Chester, Berks, Bucks and Philadelphia counties. Call our agents or find us on Facebook and Instagram at RE/MAX Achievers real estate, two offices located in Collegeville 610-489-5900 or Pottstown 610-326-1200. Call us and see why our realtors are award-winning sales agents!

Are you searching for a home or real estate for sale in the Hatfield, PA real estate market, Tall Oaks community or surrounding areas? Are you considering working with a Realtor in Hatfield, PA? Or are you considering listing your home or real estate for sale? Let RE/MAX Achievers real estate show you how to: #1. sell your home in less than 7 days, #2. sell your home fast with a Realtor, #3. choose a real estate agent to sell your home and so much more! RE/MAX Achievers also has access to for sale by owner (FSBO) homes, foreclosures, resale real estate for sale, new constructions homes for sale and REO properties. RE/MAX Achievers Realtors offer services beyond the Hatfield, PA real estate market! RE/MAX Achievers offers real estate services in 5 counties: Montgomery, Chester, Berks, Bucks and Philadelphia counties. Call our agents or find us on Facebook and Instagram at RE/MAX Achievers real estate, two offices located in Collegeville 610-489-5900 or Pottstown 610-326-1200.

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