Please join RE/MAX Achievers real estate & its award winning real estate agents to celebrate EASTER 2021!
RE/MAX Achievers real estate is offering FREE social distancing Easter Bunny photos for you & your family! RE/MAX Achievers real estate is also offering a FREE Easter Pie for you & your family to enjoy on EASTER Sunday! Follow the RE/MAX balloon in the front yard of our building!
The event LOCATION: is RE/MAX Achievers Real Estate 1425 S. Collegeville Road in Collegeville, PA (located next door to Patient First Route 29).
The event TIME: 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
COVID Precautions: Social distancing will be in place & RE/MAX Achievers real estate will maintain COVID best practices that have been suggested by the CDC.
RSVP EMAIL or CALL: OR CALL: 610-489-5900.
Please join us & enjoy an Easter photo for your family’s mantle! RE/MAX Achievers wishes you a Happy Easter & Happy Spring Season! RE/MAX Achievers real estate is your ONE STOP shop for real estate! RE/MAX Achievers real estate offers services from residential, to investment to industrial real estate & MORE!!!
Are you searching for a home for sale, land for sale or another type of real estate for sale in the local real estate market, Chester County, Montgomery County, Berks County, Bucks County or Philadelphia County or the surrounding areas? Are you considering working with a Realtor to purchase a home for sale? Or are you considering listing your home or real estate for sale? Let RE/MAX Achievers real estate show you how to: #1. sell your home in less than 7 days, #2. sell your home fast with a Realtor, #3. choose a real estate agent to sell your home and so much more! RE/MAX Achievers also has access to for sale by owner (FSBO) homes, foreclosures, resale real estate for sale, new constructions homes for sale and REO properties. RE/MAX Achievers Realtors offer services beyond the Phoenixville real estate & Chester Country real estate market! RE/MAX Achievers offers real estate services in 5 counties: Montgomery, Chester, Berks, Bucks and Philadelphia counties. Call our agents or find us on Facebook and Instagram at RE/MAX Achievers real estate, two offices located in Collegeville 610-489-5900 or Pottstown 610-819-1500.
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