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Ginger Childs, Realtor and RE/MAX Achievers proudly presents 158 & 164 Monacy Road, Coatesville, PA for SALE!

RE/MAX Achievers 2 Offices in Collegeville & Pottstown Offering Real Estate Services
RE/MAX Achievers 2 Offices in Collegeville & Pottstown Offering Real Estate Services
Published on May 6, 2023

158 & 164 Monacy Road in Coatesville has it all; land, ranch home, barns, shed/pole barn! If you are in the market for any of those things, call Ginger Childs at RE/MAX Achievers, 610-489-5900 or 610-326-1200. She will be happy to answer any questions you may have about 158 &164 Monacy Road, Coatesville, PA!

Here is a great and rare opportunity to own 15 combined acres of serene and countryside living in Coatesville in West Brandywine Township! Two(2) parcels were recently combined and are currently under Act 319. 158 & 164 Monacy Road in Coatesville is a beautiful property that lends itself to many opportunities whether it be a residence with lots of acreage, a working farm of various kinds- horse, cattle, or other, vegetation, etc… or a developer looking to build. The Land is open without having to clear trees. There is currently a 3-bedroom ranch house with masonry construction with 1.5 baths and 2 car attached garage along with 2 barns. The 2 lower barns have electric and water. There is also a large storage shed/ pole barn on site. The house is in need of a total inside rehab or tear down. Home is currently under lease until the end of June and is not available for inside showings. Full engineered survey of entire property including Topography and boundaries will be completed and available in the upcoming days. There is so much opportunity for the right buyer! Schedule your exterior tour of this property thru Bright MLS. Call RE/MAX Achievers, 610-489-5900 or 610-326-1200 and ask for Ginger!

RE/MAX Achievers sold over $175 MILLION Dollars in real estate in 2022 and sold $150 MILLION Dollars in real estate in 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018!  RE/MAX Achievers offers real estate services in 5 counties: Montgomery, Chester, Berks, Bucks and Philadelphia counties. Call our agents or find us on Facebook & Instagram at RE/MAX Achievers real estate, two offices located in Collegeville 610-489-5900 or Pottstown 610-326-1200. Call us and see why our realtors are award winning sales agents!

Are you searching for a home or real estate for sale in the Coatesville, PA real estate market, Chester County or surrounding areas? Are you considering working with a Realtor in Coatesville, PA? Or are you considering listing your home or real estate for sale? Let RE/MAX Achievers real estate show you how to: #1. sell your home in less than 7 days, #2. sell your home fast with a Realtor, #3. choose a real estate agent to sell your home and so much more! RE/MAX Achievers also has access to for sale by owner (FSBO) homes, foreclosures, resale real estate for sale, new constructions homes for sale and REO properties. RE/MAX Achievers Realtors offer services beyond the Coatesville, PA real estate market! RE/MAX Achievers offers real estate services in 5 counties: Montgomery, Chester, Berks, Bucks and Philadelphia counties. Call our agents or find us on Facebook and Instagram at RE/MAX Achievers real estate, two offices located in Collegeville 610-489-5900 or Pottstown 610-326-1200.

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