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Paula Pearce, Realtor and RE/MAX Achievers announce 123 8th Avenue, Collegeville, PA is FOR SALE! Home for sale in Collegeville, PA!

RE/MAX Achievers 2 Offices in Collegeville & Pottstown Offering Real Estate Services
RE/MAX Achievers 2 Offices in Collegeville & Pottstown Offering Real Estate Services
Published on June 8, 2023

Home for SALE in Collegeville, PA! If you are looking for a new home in Collegeville, PA then you will NOT want to miss 123 8th Avenue, Collegeville, PA! Call RE/MAX Achievers, 610-489-5900 or 610-326-1200 and ask for Paula to schedule your tour of 123 8th Avenue in Collegeville, PA today!

Home for SALE in Collegeville, PA! 123 8th Avenue is a stunning updated rancher in the heart of Collegeville and is for SALE in Collegeville, PA! Skylights and vaulted ceilings make you relaxed and feel right at home in this home for SALE in Collegeville, PA. Hosting will be so fun and easy everywhere in this lovely home for SALE in Collegeville, PA. 2 blocks from Ursinus College and 2 parks within walking distance neighbor this home for SALE in Collegeville, PA. Large entry room vestibule leads into a knock out kitchen in this home for SALE in Collegeville, PA. Call Emeril to come over and cook in this home for SALE in Collegeville, PA. Granite counter tops, large island with seating for 4, stainless steel appliances, recessed lighting, skylights, sitting area and a separate dining area-All this and there is still plenty of room to open the table extra long for the holidays. Did we mention the Living Room–BABAAM!! Vaulted ceiling, upgraded flooring, custom brick fireplace with a raised hearth and sliding doors to a beautiful 3 season sunroom. Enjoy the sunroom anytime of the year in this home for SALE in Collegeville, PA. This paradise opens up to an exterior patio with a beautiful back yard setting. The 2 full baths have been totally upgraded. Don’t hesitate to call RE/MAX Achievers, 610-489-5900 or 610-326-1200 and ask for Paula Pearce and schedule a tour of 123 8th Ave., Collegeville, PA!

RE/MAX Achievers offers real estate services in 5 counties: Montgomery, Chester, Berks, Bucks & Philadelphia counties. Call our agents or find us on Facebook & Instagram at RE/MAX Achievers real estate, two offices located in Collegeville 610-489-5900 or Pottstown 610-326-1200.

RE/MAX Achievers sold over $175 MILLION Dollars in real estate in 2022 and sold $150 MILLION Dollars in real estate in 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018!  RE/MAX Achievers offers real estate services in 5 counties: Montgomery, Chester, Berks, Bucks and Philadelphia counties. Call our agents or find us on Facebook & Instagram at RE/MAX Achievers real estate, two offices located in Collegeville 610-489-5900 or Pottstown 610-326-1200. Call us and see why our realtors are award winning sales agents!

Are you searching for a home or real estate for sale in the Collegeville, PA real estate market, Collegeville Borough or surrounding areas? Are you considering working with a Realtor in Collegeville, PA? Or are you considering listing your home or real estate for sale? Let RE/MAX Achievers real estate show you how to: #1. sell your home in less than 7 days, #2. sell your home fast with a Realtor, #3. choose a real estate agent to sell your home and so much more! RE/MAX Achievers also has access to for sale by owner (FSBO) homes, foreclosures, resale real estate for sale, new constructions homes for sale and REO properties. RE/MAX Achievers Realtors offer services beyond the Collegeville, PA real estate market! RE/MAX Achievers offers real estate services in 5 counties: Montgomery, Chester, Berks, Bucks and Philadelphia counties. Call our agents or find us on Facebook and Instagram at RE/MAX Achievers real estate, two offices located in Collegeville 610-489-5900 or Pottstown 610-326-1200.

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