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Richard Sheppard, Associate Broker and RE/MAX Achievers proudly SOLD 82 W 5th Ave., Trappe, PA in 6 DAYS for $427,000!

RE/MAX Achievers 2 Offices in Collegeville & Pottstown Offering Real Estate Services
RE/MAX Achievers 2 Offices in Collegeville & Pottstown Offering Real Estate Services
Published on January 9, 2022

It took only 6 days for Richard Sheppard, Associate Broker and RE/MAX Achievers to sell this lovely home for sale in Trappe, PA. And, the Seller and Buyer are both very happy!

A lucky Buyer found their forever home for sale in Trappe, PA in this unique and spacious 3152 square foot, 4 or 5 bedroom, 2 full bath stone and stucco ranch home in Trappe, PA with finished basement, attached 1 car garage, workshop, three sheds… all on a beautiful 1.44 acre lawn and treed lot. This custom Kalmbach built home in Trappe, PA includes hardwood flooring, two fireplaces, walk up attic, plus 12×8 hurricane/bomb shelter! With the right renovations, an unfinished living area over the garage could be perfect for home expansion, in-law suite, or office. Public water and public sewer. The property is located in Trappe Borough, Trappe, PA , Montgomery County and the very desirable Perkiomen Valley School District. Close to schools, parks, shopping, dining in Collegeville, Limerick, Royersford, and Phoenixville. Plus conveniently located near commuter routes Ridge Pk, Rt 113, Rt 29, Rt 73, and Rt 422.

RE/MAX Achievers sold nearly $145 MILLION Dollars in real estate in 2020 and over $150 MILLION Dollars in real estate in 2019 and 2018! RE/MAX Achievers offers real estate services in 5 counties: Montgomery, Chester, Berks, Bucks and Philadelphia counties. Call our agents or find us on Facebook & Instagram at RE/MAX Achievers real estate, two offices located in Collegeville 610-489-5900 or Pottstown 610-819-1500. Call us and see why our realtors are award winning sales agents!!

#82W5thAveTrappePA #HomesforsaleinTrappe #RemaxAchieversTrappePARealEstate #SellingRealEstateinTrappePA  #REMAXSellsTrappehomesPA  #RemaxHustle #GetSoldByRemax #Justlisted #RE/MAXAchieversrealestate #AwardWinningAgents #Remaxisthebest #RemaxSells #JustSoldbyREMAXAchievers #REMAX #RealEstateInvestments #HomesforSaleREMAXAchieversPA #REMAX #HomeforSalePottstownPA #REMAXAchievers #REMAXrentals #boyertownPAhomesforsale #BoyertownSchoolDistricthomesforsale #AchieversPA #JustSoldbyREMAXAchievers #REMAX #Collegevillehomeforsale #mortgageprequalified #mortgagepreapproval #REMAXSellsMontgomeryCountyHomesForSale #Remaxachieverspa #Achieversfamily #Ourrealestatefamily #remax #remaxhustle #realestate #callremax #realty #broker #forsale #newhome #newconstruction #househunting #property #realestate #investment #home #housing #mortgage #foreclosure #selling #justlisted #justsold #openhouse #PArealestate #Homeforsale #firsttimehomebuyer #Chestercountyrealestate #realestateinvestment #firsttimehomebuyer #Ardmorerealestate #MainLinerealestate #MainLinehomeforsale #DelawareCountyrealestate #Mediarealestate #UpperProvidenceTownshiphomesforsale #remaxachievers #justlisted#Lansdalerealestate #HistoricHomeforsale #MontgomeryCountyhomeforsale #MontgomeryCountyrealestate #Phoenixvillehomeforsale #PhoenixvilleTwinForSale #SoldByREMAX #Pottsgrovehomeforsale #Collegevillehomeforsale #BuyinCollegeville #Collegevillerealestate #Phoenixvillerealestate #soldinoneday #ManayunkPArealestate #SchwenksvillePAhomeforsale #GilbertsvillePArealestate #Gilbertsvilletownehomesforsale #Gilbertsvillehomeforsale #DowningtownPArealesate #chestercountyrealestatemarket #soldinfivedays #remaxjustsold #DowningtownPArealestate #Coatesvilleschooldistrictarea #perkiomenvalleyschooldistrict #REMAXhustle #REMAXopenhouse #LansdaleHomesforsale #SchwenksvillePAhomeforsale #SchwenksvillePArealestate #remaxachienvers #remaxrealestate #MainLinerealestate #Boyertownschooldistrictrealestate #boyertownrealestate #JustListedbyREMAXAchieversPA #KingofPrussiarealestate #homesofrsalekingofprussiaPA #UpperPottsgroveschooldistricthomesforsale #Collegevilleh#chestercountyrealestate #soldfast #BuyingCollegeville #Collegevillerealestate #Schwenksvillerealestatemarket #Schwenksvillehomesforsale #SchwenksvillePArealestate #justsoldbyremaxachievers #homeforsaleinRoyersfordPA #HomeforsaleSpringfordschooldistrict #Springfordschooldistrict #Royersfordhomseforsale #RemaxAchievers #RemaxHustle #SoldbyRemaxAchievers

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