Terry Ayres and RE/MAX Achievers Offer a Home For Sale in Skippack Township! A Custom Built Home at 7 Barley Sheaf Lane, Schwenksville, PA for $750,000!

RE/MAX Achievers 2 Offices in Collegeville & Pottstown Offering Real Estate Services
RE/MAX Achievers 2 Offices in Collegeville & Pottstown Offering Real Estate Services
Published on June 22, 2021

7 Barley Sheaf Lane is a Custom Colonial home for sale in Schwenksville, PA and the highly sought after Perkiomen Valley School District! Terry was RE/MAX Achievers #2 Top Sales Agent in 2020 and the #1 Top Producing Sales Agent in 2019! This five bedroom, three and a half bath custom built home for sale in Schwenksville is set on 1.42 acres offers a tranquil setting and view of nature’s best in the rear yard! Grab your fishing pole and get ready for some Fishing, Hunting, Kayaking! Beach days all summer, picnics at the water, Four Wheeling, Snowmobiling. The property views are incredible, overlooking the Perkiomen creek that includes approx 100 feet of your own private beach owned up to 35 feet on the other side of the creek. The surroundings in Schwenksville and especially on this homes lot are truly a wonderland, with Eagles and Deer routinely sighted in the yard, and at Creekside. This Schwenksville home for sale has been loved by its second owners since it was built in 1998. The homeowner’s have truly loved this home and has invested over $290,000 in upgrades and noteworthy improvements. WOW WOW $290,000 in upgrades!! Notable highlights include: Custom paint, Travertine floors, Bamboo flooring, New powder room, Upgraded Black Oak Live Edge fireplace mantel, Grand Gourmet kitchen with granite, 42″ Maple cabinets, stainless steel appliances, butlers pantry, breakfast area, two story twenty foot high ceiling family room with floor to ceiling stone fireplace. New hall bathroom with Travertine floor, semi custom closet and stone floor and wall in shower. Grand master suite is 27 x 15 square feet, walk-in closet system by Victory closets. New master bathroom complete with heated Travertine floor – stone shower – custom vanities – marble extreme counters – jacuzzi tub, Custom finished basement with central air and heat – custom wet bar with quartzite counter, stone accent wall with electric fireplace. Epoxy flake style floor in garage with all surround cabinets and shelving and insulated garage doors, with vertical retractable motorized Sentry screens. All new interior lighting throughout, security system, gutter and leaf guard, custom landscaping & Travertine front walkway and so much more! This home is minutes away from boating and recreation opportunities, Borough’s Meadow Park, walking trails, garden centers, Pennypacker Mills Historic Site, Perkiomen Creek, Evansburg State Park, Palmer Park and the Perkiomen Trail. It is a short drive to the Collegeville shopping centers including the Providence Town Center, Phoenixville, Skippack Village, King of Prussia and Routes 422 – 76 – 276. Do not miss your opportunity to enjoy so many natural community amenities Spring Mountain Resort, Pennypacker Mills, the Central Perkiomen Ball Fields, the Perkiomen Trail, Central Perkiomen Park and the Perkiomen Watershed Association and Philadelphia Folk Fest. 7 Barley Sheaf Lane is a home that has been cared for with great pride. This home for sale in Schwenksville, PA welcomes you inside, please take a seat on the rear deck & enjoy the view! 7 Barley Sheaf Lane in Schwenksville invites you to BUY ME!!!

Are you searching for a home or real estate for sale in the Schwenksville, PA real estate market, Pennypacker Ridge community or surrounding areas? Are you considering working with a Realtor in Schwenksville, PA? Or are you considering listing your home or real estate for sale in Schwenksville, PA? Let RE/MAX Achievers real estate show you how to: #1. sell your home in less than 7 days, #2. sell your home fast with a Realtor, #3. choose a real estate agent to sell your home and so much more! RE/MAX Achievers also has access to for sale by owner (FSBO) homes, foreclosures, resale real estate for sale, new constructions homes for sale and REO properties. RE/MAX Achievers Realtors offer services beyond the Schwenksville, PA real estate market! RE/MAX Achievers offers real estate services in 5 counties: Montgomery, Chester, Berks, Bucks and Philadelphia counties. Call our agents or find us on Facebook and Instagram at RE/MAX Achievers real estate, two offices located in Collegeville 610-489-5900 or Pottstown 610-819-1500.

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